Friday, July 31, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Weekend – August 1-2, 2015

Can your book be made into a movie? Find out at 6:00 pm ET on August 4. Free webinar sponsored by APSS-CT; Register at; hear Billboard Magazine's Producer of the Year. During the broadcast we will announce how you can meet him in person on Wednesday, August 5 in Hartford.

Do you want to sell more books with no returns? Attend Brian Jud's one-day Southern California Book Selling University on September 12. You can become more profitable selling your books in ways that you never imagined and to people you never knew existed — in large, non-returnable quantities. It is sponsored by the Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS), Bowker and BookWorks, and will be held from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. Find details and registration at

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 31, 2015

Craft precise pitches. You'll intrigue potential customers more if you tell them your book will cost $4.82 per unit rather than "nearly $5.00." Specificity is what gives people confidence in your message. Even better, use graphics that illustrate the financial impact of your proposal -- whether that is improving sales, saving money or increasing employee happiness. It's a powerful way to stop prospects from merely skimming your marketing materials.

Do you want to sell more books with no returns? Attend my one-day Southern California Book Selling University on September 12. You can become more profitable selling your books in ways that you never imagined and to people you never knew existed — in large, non-returnable quantities. It is sponsored by the Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS), Bowker and BookWorks, and will be held from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. Find details and registration at

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 30, 2015

Do you want to sell more books with no returns? Attend Book Selling University in LA, Sep 12  Sponsored by APSS, Bowker and BookWorks

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 29, 2015

Successfully build your publishing business by creating opportunity while others wait for it to knock

Monday, July 27, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 28, 2015

When things change quickly and when corporate buyers face great uncertainty, they want to deal with a company and people they know and have a vision of their (the client's) needs and interests that goes beyond price. Create relationships with corporate buyers for more sales.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 27, 2015

The innovation process succeeds when design intersects with strategy. Instead of thinking, "Should I produce a pbook or ebook?" Ask, "How do people want to receive the information?" It could be by audio book, pbook, ebook seminar, consulting, spokesperson, etc.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 26, 2015

Knowing your purpose will help you thrive during the difficult start-up period and sustain you through times of negativity and rejection.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 25, 2015

Knowing your purpose will help you thrive during the difficult start-up period and sustain you through times of negativity and rejection.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 24, 2015

What is your next step on the staircase to your goals?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 24, 2015

Many rules outlive the purpose for which they were intended. For example, there is a saying that Frederick the Great (1712-1786) lost the Battle of Jena (1806), meaning that for 20 years after his death the army perpetuated his successful (in his time) organization instead of adapting to meet the changes in the art of war. What rule, policy or way of thinking was successful for you in the past but may be limiting you now?

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 23, 2015

Find the positive spin to every disaster. If you went on vacation and came back to find that your house had burned down, what is the first thing you would do if you knew you had left expensive diamonds there? You would start digging in the ashes of defeat to find the one thing from which you could benefit. Do the same thing when you face defeat in book sales. Dig for the one thing from which you could benefit –your belief in your ability to find a different way to sell your books.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 22, 2015

Three strategies for hitting sales targets in non-traditional markets. 1) Niche marketing. Remind or inform targeted buyers about how they can benefit from your content. 2) Product redesign. You may need to change the delivery of your information to an ebook, booklet or a seminar. 3) Product-line management. Replace poor-selling titles or extend your product line. Line extensions can be made into one category (Chicken Soup for the Soul books), or into several categories such as Weight-Watchers services, books, magazines and foods.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 21, 2015

"Never let failure make you risk-averse. Staying within your safety zone is the quickest way to mediocrity. Truly revolutionary accomplishments can only be achieved by taking big chances." Fortune, July 1, 2015


Monday, July 20, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 20, 2015

In order for people to think differently they have to be dissatisfied with their current thinking. Know what your prospect's current thinking and desired state are.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Weekend – July 18-19, 2015

"People aren't buying a vehicle when they buy a Tesla. They're buying a futuristic experience. Customers aren't comparing Teslas to anything," says Akos Tolnai (Harvard Business Review, July-August 2015, p 16). Similarly, people are not buying your book per se, but a result from reading your content. Sell that result. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 18, 2015

"What I like to do is do – not the fact that I did. It doesn't excite me. When people start to think that what they did in the past is perhaps even better then what they do now, they should stop." Karl Lagerfield (Reader's Digest, July, 2015)

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 17, 2015

Distribution is a collection of elements (author-publisher-distributor-wholesaler-retailer) where performance is affected by each of its parts.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 16, 2015

When deciding to purchase a book, most people will take the advice of a friend rather than read an ad. Get people to spread the word about your book to their friends and followers. Ask "superconnectors" – well-known people with a large following – to talk about your book. These people could be previous customers, family and close friends, your printer, your publisher, media people, professional associates, experts on your topic, bloggers, teachers, store employees, people in discussion groups and those in your social networks. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 15, 2015

The Golden Rule is "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you."  That does not apply to book marketing. Instead, apply the Platinum Rule, "Do unto others as they would do unto themselves." Help buyers solve their problems, not yours

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – July 14, 2015

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – July 13, 2015

Choose the way you will position your brand. Decide how your advertising, publicity and selling efforts will interact to consistently project this new image.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – July 6, 2015

When buyers face a variety of alternatives, they want to deal with a brand they trust. Create and project an image to each of your target markets reassuring them that you understand what they need and have created a product line that will meet their needs.