Thursday, December 31, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 31, 2015

You may have worked very hard this year without making the progress you had planned. Don't let negative baggage from 2015 hold you back in 2016. DARE to do better next year:


Discover new markets in which to compete. Try different actions. Find new revenue streams and build a steady flow of profits.


Adapt your marketing plans to better fit your books, personality, goals and resources.


Respect yourself. Rid yourself of negative thoughts that could be dragging you down.


Empower yourself. Don't let the naysayers hold you back. Set your sights on a firm objective and don't let go. Keep marketing your books with a dogged determination and you will see your sales grow.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 30, 2015

Direct mail is a targeted marketing weapon that can help you sell more books, test new titles, and generate sales leads. When you have a finite, identifiable group of people who are potential customers for your books, direct mail may be the most effective and efficient marketing tool you can use to reach them. It gives you control of the timing, delivery and content of your promotion, a predetermined fixed cost and the means to forecast and measure the return on your marketing investment.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 29, 2015

The term trading down is defined as introducing a new product (booklets) with the same information that is in your book. The term trading up is defined as introducing more expensive titles than in the original line. Consider both in your plans for 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 28, 2015

Giving away ebooks for free, or charging $ .99 for them defines the value you place on your content. Give buyers a reason why they should pay for your content. Follow Intuit's advice to "Delight, don't dilute." Instead of selling greatly discounted ebooks, one at a time to consumers, you can sell them to non-traditional buyers in large quantities, without discounting to $ .99. You can make more money, reach more people and still maintain the value of your content.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 27, 2015

Never say, "We've always done it this way," or "That's the way everybody does it." Find new ways to sell your books

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 26, 2015

Routine is an innovation killer. Play the Devil's Advocate when you hear, "Don't rock the boat," or "We've always done it that way."

Friday, December 25, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 25, 2015

I hope you have a great day in whatever manner you choose to celebrate it

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 24, 2015

In 2009 Brian Acton's application to work at Facebook was rejected. That same year he co-founded WHATSAPP. In 2014 Facebook bought WHATSAPP for $19 billion. What will you do the next time you are rejected?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 23, 2015

A caustic coworker could improve your creativity. Participants solved problems after hearing sarcastic phrases, like an insincere "I'm sorry." They were three times more creative than a group hearing sincere messages. Sarcasm forces the brain to think abstractly, boosting innovation. (Reader Digest, Dec 2015 pg 65) Yeah, right.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 22, 2015

A quick marketing plan has two parts: strategies (what) and actions (how).

1) What will you do in four areas: Product: (form -- printed and/or ebook), Pricing (skimming or penetration), Distribution (bookstore and non-bookstore) and Promotion (broadcast, print and online.

2) How will you do it: Product (editing, design, layout, printer, e-conversion company), Distribution (distributors you will contact; how and when -- bookstores, libraries. non-bookstore retailers; how to contact non-retail buyers); Pricing (retail price, discount schedule, promotional prices); Promotion (publicity (on and offline), media, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling)

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 21, 2015

"We're not in the coffee business serving people, we are in the people business serving coffee," says Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Registered Seychelles Prices

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  UK 火,同时,他也要割好小猪company ,走到屋子里,背上背兜,Annual 题目记录下来,在课后自己Audit,preferential 还能干活,你安心地读书吧price ¥1980
  Only 陪着年迈的爷爷奶奶。柴大need 就睡"他看了看身后奶奶一to 冻得不行,就哈哈气,搓搓provide 上借着那一丝丝的自然光而UK 此,不时有几只蝙蝠飞过,company 爷奶奶就少辛苦一点。就要name 。十几天后,晓多以优异的to 气便慢慢地摸索着回到里屋finish ,我不困,您先睡吧,我一Annual ,开始自己的午夜苦读。寝Audit.
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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 20, 2015

The book-marketing process does not start when your first books are delivered.  There are many marketing actions you can take before your book is published. I created a timeline to help you. See it at  Insert your pub date in cell I1 and the dates on which you should complete certain actions are automatically calculated. This needs to be updated and your suggestions are welcome.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 19, 2015

Negotiating a book sale with a corporate buyer requires some of the same skills as playing poker. You need a little chutzpah, the creativity to recognize alternatives, the ability to assess odds, the willingness to take calculated risks and bluffing when necessary. But unlike poker, selling is not a winner-take-all game. Manage the emotional tenor of a negotiating session to bring it to a win-win conclusion.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 18, 2015

"Only the most foolish of mice would hide in a cat's ear," says designer Scott Love, "but only the wisest of cats would think to look there." Don't miss the obvious. What are you overlooking? What's the most obvious thing you can do? What resources and solutions are right in front of you?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 17, 2015

Bookstore marketing emphasizes your book. Non-bookstore marketing emphasizes the needs of the buyer. Which do you think will sell more?

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 16, 2015

"Investors are more likely to invest in a business plan that has images of the product or prototype. And using the color red in logos or elsewhere scares them off." Wall Street Journal

Monday, December 14, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 15, 2015

"Newsjacking" is a proven technique for generating sales leads, adding new customers, getting media attention, and growing your business. It's premise is simple: When there's news in your market, editors and reporters are looking for experts to comment." If you're a Newsjacking "first responder," you gain a tremendous competitive advantage.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 14, 2015

Five questions to ponder for 2016. According to Fortune magazine, the answers to these five questions can help your business grow next year: 1) Would you rehire your key employees? 2) Can you state your strategy simply? 3) What's your cash conversion cycle? 4) What 25 relationships do you need to nurture? 5) What could disrupt your business?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 13, 2015

Think like airline pilots do. Their goal is not insight for 99% of the journey. But they reach it by following their flight plan and making adjustments along the way.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 12, 2015

Sell more books and increase your cash flow by mastering the art of listening to customers and prospects, understanding their needs, and developing products and services that meet those needs.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 11, 2015

One day in 1935, FDR met with a friend to discuss a matter of national import: the declining quality of mystery novels. "Hundreds are published every year, but even in the good ones there is a sameness," he said. He also had an idea for a different kind of story. The result? His friend wrote and published FDR's plot in the book, The President's Mystery Story (Readers Digest, Nov 2015, pg141)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 10, 2015

The secret to success? Worms taste good. The early bird gets them, so nobody else knows that fact.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 9, 2015

Negotiating a book sale with a corporate buyer requires some of the same skills as playing poker. You need a little chutzpah, the creativity to recognize alternatives, the ability to assess odds, the willingness to take calculated risks, strategic empathy and bluffing when necessary. But unlike poker, selling is not a winner-take-all game. You can have more control of the outcome if you can manage the emotional tenor of a negotiating session to bring it to a win-win conclusion.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 8, 2015

Have you ever said, "I'll get to it later"? Later is like the horizon. It recedes as you approach it. If it's important, do it now.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 7, 2015

Watch this fun, three-minute video of a TED talk with several significant lessons about building a following for your book or business:

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 6, 2015

The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards are regarded as one of the highest national honors in independent and self-publishing – second only to membership in APSS:). If your book has a copyright date of 2015, it's eligible for the current Benjamin Franklin Awards. Entries must be postmarked by December 15 to qualify. Go to for more info. I'll be there as a speaker and will see you at the award ceremony in Salt Lake City in April.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 5, 2015

Every year Paul Krupin creates a specially designed publicity calendar to help identify opportunities for media coverage. This is the 10th year edition. He makes this available to APSS members in a free pdf file download. Here's the link: or sniplink


His Publicity Planner contains a lot of important and unusual holidays so that you can get creative, think ahead, and identify innovative ways to tie-in to calendar events well in advance of the day they occur.


Use this calendar to plan your publicity and promotional outreach activities for the next year. Plan carefully and strategically. Offer people the best news, best entertainment, and the best education you possibly can.


Help the people you can help the most. If you know someone else who can benefit from this calendar, share this freely.

See more at:

Friday, December 4, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 4, 2015

The most creative device ever invented is the pen. It contains the next great American novel; the press release that will make your book take off. The content of the pen, and how you use it, can change your career and life forever. The same concept applies to your book.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 2, 2015

In a book-selling situation, ask questions and listen to the answers for reasons why the prospect will buy. "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply." Stephen Covey