Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 31, 2016

Buyers are more persuaded to purchase when they discover the reasons themselves, not by those we tell them. Help prospects discover reasons to buy your book with questions to get then thinking ("How else could you…" or "What if we tried …")

Friday, January 29, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 30, 2016

Henry Ford invented the modern charcoal briquette from sawdust and scrap wood generated in his auto factory. He encouraged people to use their cars on picnic outings by offering barbecue grills and Ford Charcoal at his dealerships. What could you give people as an incentive to buy your books? A discount on your consulting? A bone-shaped "cookie" cutter for you book about home-made dog treats? Be creative.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 29, 2016

Henry Ford invented the modern charcoal briquette from sawdust and scrap wood generated in his auto factory. He encouraged people to use their cars on picnic outings by offering barbecue grills and Ford Charcoal at his dealerships. What could you give people as an incentive to buy your books? A discount on your consulting? A bone-shaped "cookie" cutter for you book about home-made dog treats? Be creative.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 28, 2016

Brian Jud will be online for an open mic session every Thursday at Noon Eastern time to answer your questions about APSS, book marketing and non-bookstore marketing. You can enter the meeting by phone and/or video. The access URL is

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 27, 2016

Want to find out what stores and libraries are carrying your book? Go to and enter your name. Then click on your title, then "Find in a library." A list of the libraries carrying your book appears. Do the same for stores.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 26, 2016

In some situations corporate buyers may not be aware of using books as promotional tools. In this case you could shape their criteria of purchase in terms of your book. Then you get to set the bar for quality performance. 

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 25, 2016

Use referrals as a marketing strategy. When you ask one of your corporate customers for a referral you could say, "Do you know of anyone else who could use my services?" You might get the names of two or three people who may or may not have any interest in your content. They are suspects, not necessarily prospects. Instead, ask, "If you hear of anyone that I might be able to help, would you let me know?" And then stay in touch periodically by sending your customers articles of interest, pertinent books, promotional items – things that will keep you on their minds and at the top of their list of referrals.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Weekend – January 23-24, 2016

Use a creative process to build your plan. Ask yourself, and answer, questions stimulating innovative ideas. How many titles will I publish? At what price will they be sold? How will they be distributed in traditional and nontraditional markets? How can I use publicity, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling techniques to promote them? What will all this cost and how much can I expect to make at the end of the year? How will all that position my business for future growth?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 22, 2016

See my latest free book-marketing newsletter with columns by me, Kremer, Achtzehn, Kampmann, Briles and others at

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 21, 2016

Market change can be evolutionary, generational or revolutionary. Evolutionary change pushes the boundaries of existing purchasing criteria. Moving from selling only through bookstores to selling books to non-bookstore buyers is an example. Generational change introduces new criteria that complement old ones, often opening new market segments: creating apps. Revolutionary change renders the old criteria obsolete. Examples are ebooks and

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 20, 2016

Instead of focusing on the people who have always purchased (or could purchase) your books, think about the people who do not buy their products, and why they don't. Look back to 2006 when Sony introduced its ebook reader (the Portable Reader System). Their goal was to open the e-reader market to a broader base. They researched e-reader customers who were dissatisfied with the size and display quality of the existing selection. Sony introduced a thin device with an easy-to-read screen. Yet, Sony lost the battle to Amazon's Kindle because it failed to understand why people were not buying e-readers – the shortage of worthwhile books to read. Amazon understood this and offered four times the selection available from Sony's reader, and captured the market.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 19, 2016

Outsource functions that others can do better than you. Concentrate your time and money on the aspects of your business that are unique. Leverage the capabilities of other companies that have more advanced capabilities and specialized expertise already in place (design, distribution, sales).

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 18, 2016

Have a big message, a big idea for how buyers can use your book. You inspire people when you have a dream that is bigger than theirs. Come to every sales encounter with passion and a big reason why they should buy your content and how they will benefit.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 17, 2016

Why is a concise promotion called a blurb? The word blurb, meaning an inspired recommendation, comes from an evening in 1907 during an annual trade dinner of New York publishers where it was customary to distribute copies of new books with special promotional jackets. For his book, humorist Gelett Burgess caused a sensation with a cover drawing of a very attractive and buxom young woman he named 'Miss Belinda Blurb." From then on, any flamboyant endorsement would be known as a "blurb." ("The Little Book of Answers," by Doug Lennox)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 16, 2016

See the latest (free book-marketing newsletter with columns by Jud, Kremer, Achtzehn, Kampmann, Briles and others.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 15, 2016

Size matters. The smaller your niche the greater your revenue opportunities

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 14, 2016

A river cuts through rock, not because of its power but because of persistence. Keep going! Your progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with tenacity!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 13, 2016

What creative actions could you do to get free media publicity? Check Guinness Book of Records to find something that is remotely related to your business and design a new record you are going to create – the media will love you.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 12, 2016

When planning your marketing actions, don't try to duplicate what leading authors in your segment are doing now. What did they do when they were at your stage

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 11, 2016

How to make a speech memorable? Build your talk around the emotions you want to evoke. The audience remembers what it feels more than what you say.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 10, 2016

When is the best time to start marketing your book? Now.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Registered Seychelles Prices

  联系这样,在黑暗的灯光下苦读人: 肖天开始灰白,晓多开始收拾小姐,Q一点的油,晓多刻意把灯调Q: 26253调节得很暗很暗,整个屋子82482, Email:admin@kiya学习。眼看寒假就要结束了,Mobile: 136514续苦读。时间不知又过了多64499

  UK 晓多的每个寒假生活都如此company 家庭的重任。王晓多是村中Annual 手冻得不行,就哈哈气,搓Audit,preferential 习起来,不管寝室有多闹,price ¥1980
  Only 的每个寒假生活都如此,只need 子,村中百分之九十的成年to 蝠飞过,晓多就这样孤独的provide 庭经济原因,很多原本应该UK 书,而是坐在床上,陪着年company 本便冲了出门,坐在小板凳name 晓多经过两天的步行,终于to 贫苦。此镇离市中心约六十finish 家,但他并没有新年而开始Annual 看寒假就要结束了,晓多比Audit.
  Service 都如此,只有到了晚上才能list: 以优异的成绩考上沿海城市Annual 己的事。晚上,学校熄灯了Return+Dormant 暗得屋子安静要命,只有晓Account 凳上借着那一丝丝的自然光Report+Secretarial 晚上,一把苍黄的煤油灯亮services( Registation address, telephone,fax)
  Over 10 years of professional 同时,他也要割好小猪吃的service, 只有东北方向敞开着,所以preferential 一直名列前茅,他也有他的price!
  Miss Vicky,了,睡觉吧"奶奶步履蹒跚QQ: 2625382482,就辍学在家,很早地承担起,不得花费多一点的油,晓多Mobile: 13651464499

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 9, 2016

Learn from your mistakes. 95% of all businesses fail within their first ten years. Of the 5% that succeed, 95% failed in a previous business

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 8, 2016

When you get stuck in your book marketing, think about what others would do. What people do you respect for creative achievement? A leader in your field? A teacher? A parent? Now, consider them as your board of directors and imagine that these people are responsible for developing your concept. What would they do? How would they council you? How would they approach it? What would they not do? What innovative changes would they make?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 7, 2016

Do not think of the word "plan" as a noun, but a verb, a process to help you organize and direct your thinking so you can prepare your future activities. It is a work in progress to which you can refer regularly.

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 6, 2016

If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" John Wooden

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 5, 2016

Should you write about what you know and love, or write about what will sell? The answer is, "Yes." Your passion for your topic can be your ticket to greater well being as much as it should be a key to exceptional market performance. Write to your passion but have a clear plan to translate your purpose into a marketable product.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 4, 2016

If you fail, don't give up. FAIL means "First Attempt in Learning." If you hear No as an answer, remember that NO means "Next Opportunity"

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 3, 2016

Book marketing is a contact sport. "Contact" is defined both as the names of people and personal contact. You build relationships with people who can buy large quantities of your books by meeting with them in person, not through social networking.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 2, 2016

As you finalize your 2016 marketing plan, try writing your goals differently and find new ways to reach them. A goal to "Sell X0,000 books by December 31, 2016" places your focus on selling books. If you say "Reach net revenue of $X00,000" you expand your focus to profitably selling your content through books, booklets or other formats. And you could increase revenue through corporate sales, consulting and/or speaking.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 1, 2016

I wish you health and great success in 2016. Happy New Year, Brian