Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – December 1, 2015
Send out a regular email newsletter with some tips and special offers. Be current - - on the days when it is going to rain, send out an urgent bulletin with a rainy day special!
Send out a regular email newsletter with some tips and special offers. Be current - - on the days when it is going to rain, send out an urgent bulletin with a rainy day special!
"While there is not a simple formula for determining whether a book has been profitable or not, a rough rule of thumb for calculating revenue is to take the cover price, divide it in half to reflect the retailer's share, and multiply it by the number of units sold. To determine profit, costs such as overhead, printing, marketing and the advance must be deducted." ("Betting Big on Literary Newcomers," The Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2015, pg D2)
A Lesson From Jeff Bezos: Opportunity Before Product. Many publishers first create a book and then look for ways and places to sell it. Instead, research the conditions that are best for growth and then define the product. Jeff Bezos provides an example as he evaluated the opportunities for creating an Internet business. He believed that E-commerce was the natural solution for a fragmented market with an enormous number of SKUs, a small shippable product and a stable supply chain characterized by many sellers served by a few, dominant middlemen. He was not an experienced publisher but opted for books as the product for because they were the rational choice under those conditions.
Special-sales (non-bookstore) marketing does not replace bookstore marketing. It serves a different function. How can you combine the two approaches to selling your books to achieve your desired results? The decision becomes one of resource allocation.
Enjoy a happy, healthy and APSSolutely great Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
People need to see and hear about your book 7 – 10 times before making a purchase. But that applies to your previously published books. As you build word-of-mouth communication and brand identity the number of exposures decreases for your future titles.
"Publishers are competing for debut literary talent with the same kind of frenzied auction bidding once reserved for promising debut thrillers or romance novels… The lack of a sales track record is one of the factors that makes debut authors most appealing, publishers say, since there is no hard data to dampen expectations." ("Betting Big on Literary Newcomers," The Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2015, pg D1)
"One reason Goliath lost is that he anticipated David's response and didn't think of options," said Malcolm Gladwell. Go into every selling situation with alternative ways to reach the buyer's objective using your content. During the negotiation, be open to other solutions as they arise.
Even famous authors are not always right in their predictions. In 1901, British novelist HG Wells said, "I must confess that my imagination refuses to see any sort of submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew and floundering at sea."
Follow up if you are rejected. Here is an example why. Jenna Lee was rejected after applying for a position as a TV news reporter. So she inquired seeking feedback that could help her improve her demo tape. The response was they didn't like her accent. But she felt she had no regional accent, and followed up again. They found that a different person, Jennifer Lee, did have an accent, and was disqualified. They assumed they were the same person and never saw Jenna Lee's demo tape, but did later. She was hired.
hello! 启 亚集 团推出特 价 优 惠: 英 国 公 司 年 审 特 惠 价 格1980 元 提 供 英 国 公 司名 即 可 完成 年 审; 年 审 内 容:年 审 回 执+休 眠 公 司 财 务 年 报+法 定 秘 书 服 务(地 址,电 话,传 真等) 支 付 宝 担 保 交 易,有 保 障; 顺 丰 快 递 年 审 文件,快 捷安 全! 超过10年的 专 业服 务,最优 惠的价 格! 联系 人: 肖 小姐,Q Q: 26253 82482, Email:admin@kiya,Mobile: 136514 64499 UK company Annual Audit,preferential price ¥1980 Only need to provide UK company name to finish Annual Audit. Service list: Annual Return+Dormant Account Report+Secretarial services( Registation address, telephone,fax) Over 10 years of professional service, preferential price! Miss Vicky, QQ: 2625382482,, Mobile: 13651464499 |
Many publishers focus on the production process as the means of creating value. Their success is measured in terms of units moved to keep the pipeline filled. But you cannot control sales. You can only influence them by your marketing actions. Focus on what you can control (promotion, distribution, pricing), not what you can't control (sales and revenue)
"But the secret to good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb that carries the same meaning that's already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure who is doing what – these are the thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence."
Excerpted from "On Writing Well" by William Zinsser
Consider the word "discoverability." How will people find your book? In a retail store, your book is one of many purchase options. And people make an immediate comparison of your book to competitive books (content, price, value). In corporate sales, you bring your content to the attention of one buyer. The focus is on your book alone.
Three strategies for hitting sales targets in non-traditional markets. 1) Targeted marketing. Remind or inform buyers about how they can benefit from your content. 2) Product redesign. You may need to change the delivery of your information to an ebook, booklet or a seminar. 3) New product development. Replace poor-selling titles or extend your product line. Line extensions can be made into one category (Chicken Soup for the Soul books), or into several categories such as Weight-Watchers services, books, magazines and foods.
Book publishing is a commodity industry. Books are perceived as being similar, if not identical, physically. You can sell more books when you show buyers how your content is different and better than that of competitors.
Instead of asking, "What is the next book we can publish?" ask, "What can we do to sell more of the books we already have?"
Try "Chameleon Marketing." Chameleons have the ability to change colors to fit in with their environment. You can change your marketing approach for each of your environments, too. Have a book on stress management? Show HR managers how to reduce employees' stress so they become more productive. Show parents how to reduce their children's stress. Show the unemployed how to lower their stress levels and get a job more quickly. Don't change the content, but only the way you describe it. There is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy.
Some marketing functions are explicit. People can see that your book is larger or smaller than competitors and they can compare prices. But creating a leadership image is an intangible marketing tool. It is something people think when they hear your name: "He/She is the expert on… ." This feeling is created through consistent, concise and persistent communication with a target segment.
In order to reach more potential customers with information pertinent to them, Comcast divided its total market opportunity into seven core segments: Affluent Family, Suburban Family, Ethnic Urban; Blue Collar; Hispanic; Baby Boomers and Young and Mobile. How can you divide your buyers into segments?
When the Stanford Research Institute created SIRI voice recognition they described four tips leading to their success. "We knew that to succeed we needed four major ingredients: a solution to a large and important problem or pain point, with potential for rapid market growth; a differentiated technology that would grump the competition; a team capable of outstanding execution; and a value proposition and business plan that would articulate the venture's strategy and value. Without all four, the probability of success would be nearly zero." (Harvard Business Review, Sept 2015, Pg 40)
"While it's tempting to try to be everything to everyone, one of the most impactful ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace is to do one thing well." Entrepreneur magazine, August 2015
Self-acceptance is an inner strength that helps you deal with negativity. For example, how do you feel when you get a bad review of your book? Do you blame the reviewer? That is like blaming the scale if you are overweight. If you believe yourself to be a good writer then you can accept criticism and learn from it. If many reviewers make the same critique, maybe they are right and you need to rewrite your material.
Some major retailers (Urban Outfitters, Origins, Lowes) are trying to combat online purchases by slowing down the shopping experience in their stores – a trend called "slow shopping." One way they are doing that is by adding a library and a cozy lounge. (Wall Street Journal, Oct 21, pg D1). Why not have them include your book?
Take some of the pressure off the pursuit of your goals. Some goals have a fixed deadline (April 15, BEA) but others have a flexible deadline (pub date, promotional campaigns). Which of your goals have flexible deadlines?
When selling your book to corporate buyers, assess their appetite for taking risks. One way to do that is to ask them about the promotional campaigns they have completed in the past. How were they different from one another and how successful were they? What are their objectives for the upcoming campaign? Knowing the answers to these questions will put you in position as a strategic partner vs. a vendor. You will be better able to align their marketing strategy with a creative approach using your book as the focal point.
Special-sales (non-bookstore) marketing does not replace bookstore marketing. It serves a different function. How can you combine the two approaches to selling your books to achieve your desired results? The decision becomes one of resource allocation.
Listen to your gut. According to experts, our subconscious minds constantly record and store unrelated data from the outside world. Later, it combines these data into good answers – hunches – if you simply ask, trust and listen. These hunches can lead you to making a call to a corporate buyer today instead of tomorrow (when the buyer just left for vacation), or asking a well-timed question that closes the sale. On what hunches can you act to sell more of your books?