Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – October 31, 2020
Today, the trick is to treat your readers to helpful content or a great story
Today, the trick is to treat your readers to helpful content or a great story
"A good headline is not overly familiar but familiar enough, a welcome surprise expressed in the vernacular of the intended audience, a promise to advance understanding in a broadly acceptable subject." Derek Thompson
"A book is simply the container of an idea – like a bottle. What is inside the book is what matters." Angela Carter
Be optimistic when you ask for the order. "You don't want any books today, do you?" is not a good closing question.
"The most dangerous phrase in the language is, 'We've always done it this way.'" Anonymous communicate your idea.
When preparing your sales presentation for a prospective buyer, do not automatically convert a spreadsheet into a chart. That only visualizes data. It doesn't communicate your idea.
Henry Ford said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." This applies to APSS, too –
"When I mentor people, I tell them, never give up. Work hard, have a good heart, be disciplined. Those are ingredients to success" Andrew Ly
Secret to success? Early to bed, early to rise, work like heck and advertise
Make your purpose your brand, describing what you are driven to achieve, the magic that makes you excited to get up every morning.
"Instant gratification takes too long," says Carrie Fisher. Don't give up on your marketing actions too quickly. Give them time to work.
Book Selling University has free courses to help you produce better books and sell more of them. For example, take this course for free: BSU–166 How to Create and Maximize Trade Distribution, by Eric Kampmann is and view it as often as you want. See more courses by the top experts in the publishing industry at
"Location and environment are crucial if you want to generate a decent idea. Being relaxed, sometimes distracted, helps. The harder you force yourself to have an idea, the harder it is to get one." Kevin Duncan
Is your prospect getting agitated? Slow down. A slow voice has a soothing effect, while a loud, fast voice can stimulate anger or fear, according to a University of Maryland study.
Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than taking a risk is not taking it
Bring buyers to the decision point gradually: problem – solution – confirmation -- repeat
The purpose of a plan is to instill and direct your passion. The output is not a voluminous document, but a means to fulfill your mission and to make an impact on your target readers and buyers. The real objective is not to make a buck, but to make a difference.
A chiasmus is a figure of speech that has a built-in echo. For example: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty," (Sir Winston Churchill) and "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight—it's the size of the fight in the dog." (General Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Market in all directions: Up (corporate buyers, retailers, readers), down (distributors, suppliers) and across (speaking, seminars)
If you get your best ideas while taking a shower -- take more showers
When asked an important question while selling your books, always pause for at least a silent count of three before replying – especially if it is easy to answer. You will appear more thoughtful, and you will make your prospects feel good that they asked a difficult question.