Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – August 31, 2019
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." - Ernest Hemingway
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." - Ernest Hemingway
If you want to do something you'll find a way. If not you'll find an excuse. Find the way
Over 1,000,000 ISBNs were issued to self-published authors in 2018. Competition to sell book through bookstores (bricks and clicks) is now 1 million times more difficult. APSS ( can help you sell to and through non-bookstore buyers.
When is a Book Ready to Publish? See Brian Jud's article for Ingram Spark at
Do you have a cookbook? Book Selling University has the recipe for large-quantity, non-returnable sales. BSU has courses to help you produce better books and sell more of them. See a list of courses at View them up to 5 times
"Most people tune in to a radio show to hear more of something they already know… The listeners want to be surprised, but they want to be surprised by the feeling of familiarity." Derek Thompson in his book, Hit Makers. Similarly, a good headline (in a press release or ad) is not overtly familiar, but rather a welcome surprise expressed and understood by its intended audience. It should make a promise to advance the knowledge or well-being of the recipient.
When the Stanford Research Institute created voice recognition (SIRI) they described four tips leading to their success. "We knew that to succeed we needed four major ingredients: 1) a solution to a large and important problem or pain point, with potential for rapid market growth; 2) a differentiated technology that would grump the competition; 3) a team capable of outstanding execution; and 4) a value proposition and business plan that would articulate the venture's strategy and value. Without all four, the probability of success would be nearly zero." (Harvard Business Review). This applies to book publishing, too.
Cars function to the purpose for which they were designed: comfort, speed, economy. Businesses function as they are intended, too. Design your business to achieve the results you want.
Book Selling University has courses to help you produce better books and sell more of them. Today's featured course is BSU-130: How to Create Your Personal Brand, by Carol McManus . See it and more at View each course up to 5 times
What you see is often a function of how you look at something. For example, some publishers look at libraries as one homogeneous niche. But not all libraries are the same. There are public libraries, hospital libraries, school libraries, military libraries, prison libraries, children's libraries, corporate libraries, law libraries, religious libraries and more. They buy for different reasons, so you have to market to each differently. Look for the opportunity in every market. Things are not always as they seem at first glance.
An old proverb says, measure twice and cut once. In other words, make sure your measurements are correct, so you don't waste time, material and money. An updated proverb for authors could be, plan twice and act once so you don't waste time, material and money.
If you want to do something, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. Find the way.
The word "deadline" originated in Civil War prisons, where lines were drawn that prisoners passed only at the risk of being shot. When you are given a deadline by the media, take it seriously. If you miss one and call the editor back, that is what you will get – a dead line.
"I sought investments at ever-increasing valuations. It's best not to take more money than you need and only when you need it." Stephen Gordon, Founder of Restoration Hardware
The parts of a new GROWTH model are: Goals, Realistic expectations, Options, Who (and what, where, when and why), Time and How you will do it.
In order to reach more potential customers with information pertinent to them, Comcast divided its total market opportunity into seven core segments: Affluent Family, Suburban Family, Ethnic Urban; Blue Collar; Hispanic; Baby Boomers and Young and Mobile. How can you divide your buyers into segments to reach them with information about your content that they can understand and use?
According to The Gobbledygook Manifesto here are the top ten over-used terms in B2B Press Releases: next generation, new and improved, world class, cutting edge, cost effective, market leading, industry standard, groundbreaking, flexible and scalable
In a book-selling situation, ask questions and listen to the answers to find reasons why the prospects will buy. "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply." Stephen Covey
Plan A works best without Plan B. According to the Wall Street Journal, "New research has found that when people make a backup plan for their goals, their performance on the primary goal can suffer. Simply contemplating backup plans makes you want to achieve the primary goal less, which makes you put less effort into it."
When networking, understand that "people are more likely to remember encounters that are emotionally charged." Instead of starting with "I just got back from vacation," use an opening line that sparks pleasure such as, "Do you have any exciting plans for this summer?" Another example is, "What was the highlight of your day?" (Wall Street Journal) These questions also put the focus on the other person – usually their favorite subject.
Typing slowly may improve your writing skills. Researchers found that essay writers who had to use one hand to type used a larger, more sophisticated vocabulary compared with two-handed typers. The theory is that slowing down gives you a chance to think about the words you want to use and express yourself more eloquently. When your fingers fly across the keyboard, you can offer only the first words that come to mind. (Readers Digest)
A very successful orchestra arranger from Los Angeles was asked how he got to be in the top of his profession. He said he wasn't the most talented or creative but when he put himself in positions of being asked to do a task he always rose to the challenge. In the process, he became very, very good at what he loves to do. His first step was to improve his education to the point that he could fake-it-till-he-made-it. Then he took the action step of moving to L.A. Then he networked with the people who could give him a break. Then he blew his own horn and let everyone know what it was he wanted. He got it. You can, too, by selling your books to non-bookstore buyers.
"When you're first starting a business venture, it pays to say yes to everything… But once you get clear on your strategy, you should turn down more opportunities than you embrace. Aim for a 20-1 ratio of noes to yeses, and you'll achieve the laser focus you need to beat competition." (Fortune)
A paraprosdokian is a sentence or phrase that ends in an unexpected way. For instance: "Hospitality is making your guests feel at home, even if you wish they were." Or, "I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car."
Have you ever heard people say, "break a leg" and wondered where that phrase originated? In the early days of Greek theater, a stage was built as a temporary platform. After a performance, people in the audience would surround the actors on the stage to congratulate them. The better the actors' performances, the larger the number of people who would approach them. If too many converged on the stage the supporting legs could – and often did – break. So, when you make a personal presentation, or are on the air, break a leg!