Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – June 30, 2017
Instructions for employees at a factory making shampoo: Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Instructions for employees at a factory making shampoo: Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
According to Book Business Magazine, Bowker (the U.S. ISBN agency) reports a 21-percent increase in self-published ISBNs—not titles—from 2014 to 2015: another indication of quickly rising interest in indie publishing. Beat Barblan, Bowker's director of identifier services, clarifies that the company's newly released figures show that in 2015, 727,125 ISBNs were applied to self-published works. That figure includes print and digital books combined.
An author's job is to make readers uncomfortable. The impetus for them to think differently is to become dissatisfied with one's current circumstances.
When thinking about a book title do not get hung up on finding a clever name. Choose one that describes your content and is easy to remember
Buzz kill: talking too much about your book and not about how it can help your readers and buyers.
How to give a great speech? Bernie Swain, co-founder of the Washington Speakers Bureau gives three hints. First, love your content and focus on your own experiences. The most compelling speeches deal with adversity and how you overcame it. Second, step away from the lectern and practice. Think of giving a good speech like a concert pianist preparing for a performance. Third, scout out the room where you will be speaking. Walk around it while it's empty so that you know the best places to stand. (Fortune)
What does your book do? Say it in one sentence: (Title) helps (your target readers) who want (problem they want to solve) get (the reward they seek).
Want to sell more books? See "How to Market Books from the Customer's Perspective" my article in Book Business Magazine at
"A lot of disappointed people have been left standing on the street corner waiting for the bus marked Perfection." Donald Kennedy
"Location and environment are crucial if you want to generate a decent idea. Being relaxed, sometimes distracted, helps. The harder you force yourself to have an idea, the harder it can get." Kevin Duncan
Good enough is never good enough. Do not settle for "almost right," or "it should work." Do your best and test before you rest
See today's book-marketing newsletter with columns by Jud, Kremer, Achtzehn, cover designer and others.
Don't worry about how you can't do something. Think about how you can.
When talking with customers over the phone, always let them hang up first. Jumping the gun can cut off a last-minute question or comment.
Want to lose weight? Always be hungry. Want to sell more books? Always be hungry… for more markets, more prospects, and to re-invest
When talking with customers over the phone, always let them hang up first. Jumping the gun can cut off a last-minute question or comment.
Do what you love and love what you do. Book-marketing success doesn't bring happiness, happiness brings success.
Henry Ford said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." This applies to APSS, too –
Who is the best book-marketer in the world? The one having the most fun.
"Most great innovations were created in "third space," usually away from familiar surroundings. These are interactive environments where diverse talents gather, such as bars and coffee shops." Ray Oldenburg
12 Ways to Find Potential Buyers for Non-Bookstore Sales -- my blog for Book Business Magazine at
"Location and environment are crucial if you want to generate a decent idea. Being relaxed, sometimes distracted, helps. The harder you force yourself to have an idea, the harder it can get." Kevin Duncan
When meeting with prospective buyers you should bring them to the "Aha" moment when they understand, "This person really wants to help me succeed, putting my success in the forefront of the decision, rather than just selling me books"
You could sell more of your books if you can answer two questions honestly. First, how often do people think about your book? Second, how often do people think about their own problems? You will probably agree that people think more about how they can solve their problems -- learn something, improve themselves or be entertained -- than they do about your book. The key to increasing your sales and revenue is to show people how they can help themselves in some way by reading your book.
The vast amount of customer surveys deal with "service recovery" how to react when a customer complains. A new theory finds that beginning a survey "by asking for a compliment (such as "What went well during your visit?") increased reported levels of satisfaction and boosted the chance that customers would purchase again, the amount of money they would spend, and their loyalty over time." Harvard Business Review, January-February 2017
A college class was told they had to write a short story in as few words as possible, and the story had to contain the following three things: 1) Religion, 2) Sexuality and 3) Mystery. This person got the only A+ in the entire class: "Good God, she's pregnant. I wonder who did it."
When networking, understand that "people are more likely to remember encounters that are emotionally charged." Instead of starting with "I just got back from vacation," use an opening line that sparks pleasure such as, "Do you have any exciting plans for this summer?" Another example is, "What was the highlight of your day?" (Wall Street Journal, May 24, p A15) These questions also put the focus on the other person – usually their favorite subject.
Don't think about how many books you can sell, but about how you can sell them. As Warren Buffett said, "Games are won by players who focus on the playing field, not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard."
When people tell me their book isn't selling, I ask why. Most have no idea but assume it is anything but the book or their lack of promotion/marketing. Objectively evaluate you total marketing program (on/off line), including your product (content and design), price (retail and discount schedule), distribution (bookstore and non-bookstore) and promotion (publicity, advertising, sales promo and personal selling).