Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – January 31, 2017
Your business plan serves other purposes, such as a proposal to publishers, distributors and non-bookstore retailers
Your business plan serves other purposes, such as a proposal to publishers, distributors and non-bookstore retailers
When a prospect says "No' think, "That's what you said, but it's not what you meant.
Make your key points 3 times for greater recall, but say them differently: "two for one," "half off," and "50% discount," say the same thing
The Rule of Three that states a stable market will have only three significant competitors, and their market share will be in the proportion of 4:2:1 (50%, 25% and 13%). If there are already three major players in the niche you are considering entering, you must have a significant point of difference in order to succeed.
Steps for book-marketing success Listen, learn, apply, repeat
"Success, like happiness, is often appreciated in retrospect." Julie Andrews
When making a presentation in person or on the air, give the people in your audience a book-marketing KIT: Knowledge, Inspiration and Tools.
Innovation doesn't start with good ideas - it starts with good questions (What if we…; Who else could use this content? etc.)
You are marketing to people, not corporations. Creatively interpret buyers' needs so you understand the problems they want to solve
3-Steps to Success: Intention (focus, clarity), Attention (action) and No Tension (relax and let more ideas come to you)
If you have the choice of selling to people based on what they need vs. what they want, go to the "want." That is a stronger motivator.
"How to Sell More Books to Non-Bookstore Buyers," APSS webinar by Brian Jud; Jan 30, 6pm ET
Companies in search of new reserves of oil and natural gas conduct years of research to find potential deposits. They only drill where those resources are most likely to be found. Follow their example by looking for potential buyers where they are most likely to be found. For example, if you have a children's book try selling to non-bookstore segments such as daycare centers, children's libraries, children's museums, home-schooling groups, PTAs, Book Are Fun, government agencies, military schools, mom's organizations, work-at-home moms, toy stores, airport stores, supermarkets, discount stores, etc
The three most-used keys on the keyboard are 1) the space bar, 2) the letter e and 3) the backspace key
Brand identity is the business you want your prospects to think you are in. APSS is in non-bookstore marketing
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." - Ernest Hemingway
"The person, be it a gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." Jane Austen
If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.
Action is not the same as accomplishment. Like the revving engine of a car stuck in traffic, you can be busy working without moving ahead.
The Public Library of New London is looking for authors in southeastern Connecticut who would like to be featured at the library's second annual Local Authors Fest, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, in the adult reading area of the library. Tables will be available for authors to sell and sign copies of books. There is no cost for authors to participate. For more information or to register, contact Madhu Gupta at (860) 447-1411, ext. 3, or
Limit the "I" when bragging about your book. It is impossible to avoid starting sentences with the word "I." But do it too often and you'll sound insufferable. Bring other people into your story. Share the credit. Elizabeth Bernstein, Wall Street Journal, Dec 6, p A 11
As we enter 2017, remember that planning is not an event, but a course of action relating your firm's strengths and abilities (which change over time) to customers' needs (which also change over time) leading to the progressive realization of your business goals.
There may be times when you need to compromise to reach consensus, but never compromise your standards.
Has your book ever been labeled as "Ahead of its time?" That is a book-publishing euphemism for "it bombed."
Did you resolve to sell more books in 2017? APSS ( is your resolution solution.
Selling books to corporate buyers is like exercising. You may not enjoy it, but it's good for you. Sometimes the time flies and sometimes you have to force yourself to do it. And you have to do a little every day.
You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. can be a positive influence.
Translate your business strategy into a profitable product line. Decide how many titles to publish, what form, and how many books to produce