Tip of the Day – May 31, 2022
"Life is about success, not perfection… and so is marketing." Rob Eagar
"Life is about success, not perfection… and so is marketing." Rob Eagar
If you have ever been rejected, remember that not all experts are correct. This quotation may make you feel better: "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home." Ken Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corp (DEC)
Sell more books when you enter the conversation that's already going on in your prospects' minds. See the situation from their perspectives.
Once you define your target markets, prioritize them according to the order in which you will pursue them: With which segments are you most familiar? Which segments have the potential for greatest profitability and growth?
Discover the "Best Practices for IngramSpark's Self-Publishing" in this free, APSS webinar by Josh Floyd, president of Ingram Spark, TONIGHT at 7:00 pm ET. Register here: https://bit.ly/3w4fZlI
Discover the "Best Practices for IngramSpark's Self-Publishing" in this free, APSS webinar by Josh Floyd, president of Ingram Spark, May 25 at 7:00 pm ET. Register here: https://bit.ly/3w4fZlI
Self-Publishing 101 presented by Josh Floyd, president of Ingram Spark, May 25 at 7:00 pm ET. This free webinar includes a description of the Best Practices for IngramSpark's Self-Publishing Platform. Register here: https://bit.ly/3w4fZlI
Self-Publishing 101 presented by Josh Floyd, president of Ingram Spark, May 25 at 7:00 pm ET. This free webinar includes a description of the Best Practices for IngramSpark's Self-Publishing Platform. Register here: https://bit.ly/3w4fZlI
"Techniques for breaking writer's blocks include spontaneously writing in a journal, talking into a tape recorder, screaming, chopping wood, throwing heavy objects …" John Long
You can sell more books when you realize it's not the money, it's the message. The money follows if the message is right
"Don't protect the past. Learn from mistakes and then move on." Ginny Rometty (former CEO of IBM)
"Embrace spontaneity when presenting. You have to be able to flex so that you can be real and in the moment." Tony Robbins
People justify a purchase with rational reasons (price, form), but buy for emotional reasons. Market to the heart (benefits, value)
Your hook is like the visible tip of the iceberg leading to the benefits of your content – the bulk of your message
Don't let buyers say, "I'll get to it tomorrow." Increase a sense of immediacy: "As you said, employee absenteeism is increasing daily," or "Your membership is decreasing as we speak."
Never compare your weaknesses to someone else's strengths. Focus on your own talents.
Book is a 4-letter word. Like work, love or life, what matters is what you do with it.
A brief summary of bookstore sales: There today, here tomorrow. Sell to non-retail buyers (non-returnable)
"Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming," said David Bowie Plan ahead.
"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use." Wendell Johnson
Good schmoozing (networking) is not about you or your book. It's about the other person
"It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction." Warren Buffett
Your written marketing material should reflect the 7Cs: creative, credible, complete, concise, current, convincing and clear
Trying to find a business buyer to whom you can sell your books? Go to www.manta.com
If target readers need to hear about your book 10 times before purchasing, set a goal to reach them 10 times. Focus on communication.
"I can live with a mistake. What I can't live with is sloppiness, and there is a difference." Dana Canedy, Publisher.