Tip of the Day – March 31, 2022
"If you stand on what you've accomplished, it gets in the way of what you still need to do. Stay focused on what's ahead." Fortune
"If you stand on what you've accomplished, it gets in the way of what you still need to do. Stay focused on what's ahead." Fortune
"There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book." Josh Jameson Make yours a page turner
People buy for rational and emotional reasons. Market to the head (price, size, form) and heart (benefits, value)
"Dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." William Faulkner
Create an irresistible book-marketing message – irresistible to the recipient
Make key points three times to get target audience members to remember them, but say them differently: "two for one," "half off," and "50% discount" say same thing
If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got. If you are satisfied with what you have, do more of what you have been doing. If not, try something else, like selling to non-bookstore buyers.
Experience is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you
Precision marketing is reaching a targeted audience with a highly relevant message delivered in the context of their specific needs
You do not get wealthy by working in your business. You get wealthy by working on your business
Your hook is the visible tip of the iceberg leading to the benefits of your content
It's time for March Marketing Madness. Apply bracketology to the four parts of a marketing mix: Promotion, Pricing, Distribution and Product Development. See complete directions here (with a link to the marketing brackets): https://bit.ly/34Lhv2u
Sell more books by listening to customers, understanding their needs, and developing products that meet those needs
If you have ever been rejected, remember that not all experts are correct. This quotation may make you feel better: "There will never be a bigger plane built." Boeing engineer after the first flight of the 247 plane that held ten people
"I've learned that the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done." Andy Rooney
"The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice" Brian Herbert
Content may be king, but distribution is the kingdom. If people cannot buy your book it doesn't matter how good it is.
Know the "What" (your objective) and "Why" (your mission) and the "How" will come to you.
"The effectiveness of communication is not defined by the communication, but by the response." Milton Erickson
A new PR headline for a classic book: "German doctor becomes the first to perform a full-body transplant. (Frankenstein)
Direct mail is a targeted marketing weapon that can help you sell more books, test new titles, and generate sales leads
Want to find different ways in which to sell your books? Discover how in the APSS "Quick Pick of the Week." Also see a new special-sales tip every day. Both at www.bookapss.org