Tip of the Day – January 31, 2022
Don't believe everything you think
When in a sales presentation ask yourself, "Is this a monologue or a dialogue?" If a monologue, start asking questions to get your prospect involved. See the article "How to Make a Sales Presentation" among many other free book-marketing articles: http://tinyurl.com/85o9f3k
Who are your customers in each niche? What are their needs and wants? Sell to them.
"If you begin your sales presentation and fail to mention your prospect's name in the first minute you'll be tuned out." Harry Beckwith
Following the ten most important tips of book marketing will help you define a message, target your audience, understand the market, and sell your book. Discover the "10 Secrets To Successful Book Marketing" in Brian Jud's article for BookBaby at https://bit.ly/3g2jKka
Make the switch from selling a tangible book to selling intangible content
You need three things to succeed in book marketing: a wishbone, a back bone and a funny bone
Improve your selling, networking and negotiating skills. This will get you further and faster with the other skills you already have.
Get FITT in your marketing with: Frequency (daily), Intensity (passion), Time (for your efforts to work) and Type (use an assortment of marketing tools)
"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use." Wendell Johnson
"Growth Gap" is the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. What is your Gap and how will you close it in 2022?
Bring buyers to the decision point gradually: problem – solution – confirmation -- repeat
"There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book." Josh Jameson Make yours a page turner
Your purpose fuels your passion. Your plan translates and directs your passion into productive action.
Don't try to emulate what successful people do now. Do what they did when they were at your stage in the process
Do not think of the word "plan" as a noun, but as a verb, a work in progress to which you can refer regularly
"A skill is something you learn. Talent is what you can't help doing." Caroline Ghosn
When selling to non-retail buyers you have competition. It may not be from other books, but from coffee mugs, apparel or glassware.
When thinking about a book title, create one that reflects the job the customer needs done.