Tip of the Day – August 31, 2021
"When making a presentation ask yourself, 'How am I going to engage them from the very beginning?'" Tony Robbins
"When making a presentation ask yourself, 'How am I going to engage them from the very beginning?'" Tony Robbins
When making a point while selling your books, use the whole hand rather than just you index finger (it makes you appear overly aggressive)
Size matters. The smaller your niche (to a point) the greater your revenue opportunities
Ditch the pitch – if it's canned. Customize your sales-presentation material to each prospect.
When writing an attention-getting headline for an ad, press release, etc., remember that a reader's favorite subject is the reader
"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do, and the essence of execution is truly not doing it." Michael Porter
Don't let buyers say, "I'll get to it tomorrow." Increase a sense of immediacy: "As you said, employee absenteeism is increasing daily," or "Your membership is decreasing as we speak."
Marketing is about having a favorable position in the buyers' minds when they are about to make a purchasing decision
Use research results as a description of past behavior, a way to provide clues about how people might act in the future. Use it as a way to guide your creative marketing actions.
Effective communication must be customized for the intended consumer. Discover "Nine Ways to Write More Persuasive Marketing Copy" to help you write promotional material that will help you sell more books. http://bit.ly/2wMHjd8
Do something every day that makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable (selling to non-bookstore buyers). Your comfort zone will soon expand
Do something every day that makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable (selling to non-bookstore buyers). Your comfort zone will soon expand.
You can sell more books when you realize it's not the money, it's the message. The money follows if the message is right
How can you be in the right place at the right time? Put yourself in as many different places as you can. One will eventually pay off.
According to Jeff Bezos (Fortune magazine), "The three big ideas at Amazon are long-term thinking, customer obsession and a willingness to invent." Try them -- they certainly worked for him.
When making a sales presentation, ask yourself if you have something to say. Focus on identifying an idea that a listener would receive as a gift.
Personal networking is important. Bill Nye says, "Everybody you ever meet knows something you don't." And you know something they don't
Doing something is better than doing nothing. You can always make changes and try again.
If it is both frightening and alluring, then you should definitely pursue it (think non-bookstore marketing)
Asking for a blurb? Let the contributor know where the blurb will be used. Will it be on your book cover, your author website, or both?
Henry Ford said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." This applies to APSS (www.bookapss.org), too.
Your desire for what you want to accomplish has to be greater than the resistance you will experience getting there.
"It's Ok to be afraid because you can't be brave or courageous without fear." Dave Chappelle Pick up that 200-pound phone and call prospective buyers.
Your written marketing material should reflect the 7Cs: creative, credible, complete, concise, current, convincing and clear.
"If you stand on what you've accomplished, it gets in the way of what you still need to do. Stay focused on what's ahead." Fortune