Tip of the Day – April 30, 2021
Only two things are guaranteed to us: death and taxes... unless you sell through bookstores, then add "returned books" to the list.
Only two things are guaranteed to us: death and taxes... unless you sell through bookstores, then add "returned books" to the list.
"To expand, you can either find more people to sell to, or find more things to sell to the same people." (Fortune) In special sales you can do both, and build your business even more quickly, and www.bookapss.org can help you do it.
Sending a sample? Don't say, "May I send you a copy of my book?" Say, "May I send you a sample of (a valuable employee-productivity tool?")
Two things you need to succeed in book marketing are ignorance (of why it can't be done) and confidence (in how you can do it)
Success in book marketing is not always about the money you make, but about the difference you make. Make a difference for and among your readers and the money will come.
"The reading of books is growing arithmetically; the writing of books is growing exponentially." Gabriel Zaid
Market with Mind, Body, Spirit: Focus your mind on book marketing, summon your bodily energy, and do it with a spirit of integrity, professionalism and fun.
How to make your direct-mail campaigns more effective? An article Brian Jud wrote about doing that is featured on the Nonfiction Authors Association blog. Check it out here: https://bit.ly/2GvzszN
"If you can't explain every week how you have materially moved your business forward you won't succeed as a startup." Piraye Beim
"When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who never left home," said Rumi. The most expensive thing about book publishing and marketing is a mistake. Seek advice from experts to help you start on, or get on, the right path, heading in the right direction.
A good headline (in a press release or ad) is not overtly familiar, but rather a welcome surprise expressed and understood by its intended audience. It should make a promise to advance the knowledge or well-being of the recipient.
"The lessons we remember are the lessons we learn the hard way." Seth Godin
Most publishers do it backwards. They accept a manuscript, produce the book and then seek a buyer for it. Instead, start by defining your target audience, look for a market need and then find the content to meet it.
"Create more quiet time. When I travel long distances, I fly business class to get peace and quiet. I take the time to think. A lot of my ideas come from that quiet time." Sam Jain, Founder of CheapOair
"Instant gratification takes too long," says Carrie Fisher. Do not give up on your marketing actions too quickly. Give them time to work.
Your purpose fuels your passion. Your plan translates and directs your passion into productive action.
A "Growth Gap" is the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. What is your Gap and how will you close it in the remainder of 2021?
There may be times when you need to compromise to reach consensus, but never compromise your standards.
Who are the best book-marketers in the world? The ones having the most fun.
Get FITT in your marketing: Frequency (daily), Intensity (passion), Time (for efforts to work) and Type (an assortment of mktg tools)
Seven Cs of successful book marketing: control, commitment, confidence, creativity, competition, concentration and courage
If it is both frightening and alluring, then you should definitely pursue it (think non-bookstore marketing)
Thinking big without action is still just thinking. Think big, then do something about it.
You do not get wealthy by working in your business. You get wealthy by working on your business.
Work eight hours a day for survival. Everything over that is for success.
Get FITT in your marketing: Frequency (daily), Intensity (passion), Time (for your efforts to work) and Type (use an assortment of marketing tools)
"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life." Stephen King
"A good headline is not overly familiar but familiar enough, a welcome surprise expressed in the vernacular of the intended audience, a promise to advance understanding in a broadly acceptable subject." Derek Thompson
Target your promotion and increase your ROPE: Return On Promotional Expenditures
For "10 Advantages of Advertising Books in Print Media" see Brian Jud's article in Book Business Magazine at http://tinyurl.com/jx83jg4