Sunday, September 28, 2014

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – September 29, 2014

Excerpted from the September 27, 2014 Wall Street Journal ("When Being Too Smart Ruins Writing," page C3): "The curse of knowledge is the single best explanation of why good people write bad prose. It simply doesn't occur to the writer that her readers don't know what she knows – that they haven't mastered the argot of her guild, can't divine the missing steps that seem too obvious to mention, have no way to visualize a scene that to her is as clear as day. And so the writer doesn't bother to explain the jargon, or spell out the logic or supply the necessary detail."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – September 22, 2014

You will build your business more quickly by selling solutions to buyers' problems than by selling books.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – September 15, 2014

Value-based positioning is founded on the choice of product or service rather than on customer segments. Firms publishing only math textbooks for colleges would illustrate this position as they demonstrate their excellence in one sub-segment of the academic market.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – September 8, 2014

 A clear, simple statement of a differentiating benefit is a powerful marketing tool.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – September 1, 2014

 Direct distribution (special-sales marketing) allows you to circumvent bookstores (and returns, distribution fees) and create a compelling brand-as-experience.