Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – July 2, 2012
Do not confuse image with imprint. An imprint is a distinguishing name that identifies the books offered by one publisher. A brand image is a distinctive identity, the relevant, enduring and credible promise of value associated with an imprint.
Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – June 25, 2012
Positioning defines how your titles are different from and better than your competitors' titles, from your customers' perspectives.
Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – June 18, 2012
Special-sales opportunities are so ubiquitous that we fail to see them. We become so used to seeing a gift shop, toy store, beauty salon or museum for what they are that we do not think of them for what they could be: potential outlets for book sales.
Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – June 11, 2012
Strategic positioning means performing different activities from rivals' or performing similar activities in different ways.
Book-Marketing Tip of the Week – June 4, 2012
Positioning defines how your titles are different from and better than your competitors' titles -- from your customers' perspectives.