Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – May 15, 2018

Selling books is much like selling housing. Not everyone in the housing market is seeking a similar residence. There are groups of people with preferences for apartments, condominiums, colonials, contemporaries or ranch houses. Within each segment, some people may also demonstrate a unique preference for layout, location, yard size and color. There is also geographic segmentation for those who prefer city dwellings vs. homes in the suburbs or in rural settings.


"So what!" you say? Compare this to selling books in a market such as the academic segment. There are public schools, vocational schools, military schools, private schools, distance learning, home schooling and colleges, among others. In the college segment, you can sell book to many different types of colleges/universities, through bookstores, to libraries, to students, to instructors as textbooks or supplementary reading. Each buys for a different reason. Customize your promotion to the needs of each.


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