Book-Marketing Tip of the Day – October 6, 2016
Watch your body language when selling. According to the Aili McConnon (Wall Street Journal, Oct 3, pg R8), striking the right balance of power and authority with warmth and empathy is essential when communicating. Here are Aili's important cues. Hold your head straight and avoid tilting it or cocking it to either side. A smile should be used sparingly because too much smiling makes one seem weak. Too little eye contact can make one seem deceptive, but too much can turn into a "stalker stare." When making a point, use the whole hand rather than just you index finger. Pointing with just an index finger makes you appear overly aggressive. People often touch their neck, pull on their shirt collar of lift their hair when they are anxious. "Steepling" with your hands conveys that you are confident. Speaking slowly and pausing makes you seem more authoritative.
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